Terms and Conditions

Thapovana Ghrita is a brand under Thapovana Ghrita Pvt Ltd & provides the service subject to the following TERMS & CONDITIONS.

By using products or services through www.thapovanafarms.com you are agreeing to these below TERMS & CONDITIONS.


You are providing consent to recieve communications from THAPOVANA FARMS through e-mail/text/whatsapp message. You agree that all agreements,notices, disclosures and other communications that we provide to you through any of the above means will satisfy any legal requirements.

Acceptance Of Your Order

Thapovana Ghrita Pvt Ltd reserves the rights to refuse service, terminate accounts , remove or edit content or cancel orders in its sole discretion with no damage payable to its customers.

Thapovana Ghrita Pvt Ltd reserves the rights to reject/reschedule your order subjecting to the below mentioned reasons

* The Product you ordered being Out of Stock.
* Our inability to obtain authorisation of your payment.
* If one or more orders placed by the customer is not deliverable to your
* We reserve the right to reject acceptance of any order at any time in
our absolute discretion.


* Shortly after you have placed an order with us , a notification will be sent to
you acknowledging the exact details of your order via push notification,
WhatsApp or text message.

* Acceptance of an order placed by you online & the completion of the same
will take place when your order is dispatched, unless you have cancelled
the order in accordance with our order Cancellation policy.

* Our customer service team is available between 10:00am to 5:00pm
From Monday to Saturday.